Time Lapse

an interactive installation

©1998, Christa SOMMERER & Laurent MIGNONNEAU

developed at ATR Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute
Kyoto Japan

Time-Lapse Publications:

" Time_lapse: an immersive interactive environment based on historic stereo images"
IEEE SMC'99 System
Man and Cybernetics Conference Proceedings (Tokyo, 1999)
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and R. Lopez-Gulliver

"Time_lapse: immersive interaction with historic 3-D stereo images"
5th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia (VSMM'99) Conference Proceedings
(Dundee, Scotland, 1999), pp. 295-307
C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and R. Lopez-Gulliver

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Time Lapse Exhibitions

1998 ATR Media Integration & Communications Laboratories
Kyoto, Japan